Vietnam Veterans & Cholangiocarcinoma


The original community page was established by Anne Rossi Petitti in memory of her husband, Mario Petitti, a Vietnam Veteran who developed cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) as a result of his service.The following is from one of Anne's original posts:

"My name is Anne Petitti. This page was founded in honor of my husband, Mario Petitti. He was a Vietnam Veteran and served at Lane Army Field near Qui Nhon. He started having stomach discomfort in November 2009. He was diagnosed with ulcers. In Janurary 2010, his symptoms started to get worse. After many tests, it was discovered at the end of February 2010, he had Cholangiocarcinoma or Bile Duct Cancer. My husband passed away from the disease one month after his diagnosis in March 2010.After he passed away, I continued to do some research and filed a claim with the V.A. During that time, I also spoke with Sheila Harrison. Her husband was a Vietnam Veteran, and she was very proactive in getting word out about this cancer and the association of it with Service in Vietnam. She was a lifeline as she sent me information which helped me file the claim."Due to Sheila's help, I thought, what could I do to help others who are faced with this same diagnosis? I also wanted to make some sense out of my husband's death. The end result was starting the FB page. It was started in the hopes that it would be a resource for others facing the same problem."I found it to be much more than that. It is not only a resource, but a community of people trying to help each other and make sense out of this diagnosis."

In many ways, Anne's words reflect the same process many of us—spouses, children, friends—underwent when discovering our loved one was diagnosed with the same cancer. In the time since the creation of this page, our community has grown as the number of veterans diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma increases.Sheila Harrison sadly passed away in February 2014, but the advocacy she began continues to be our driving force in compiling resources and acknowledging all those who continue to look for answers.The FB page and groups continue to be run by family and friends who have been directly affected by cholangiocarcinoma and is not affiliated or associated with governmental or non-governmental organizations; our purpose is to provide a resource to families and veterans and to share any information that may be available.

Resources for Veterans and their Families

In an effort to help compile some of the usual resources, this note provides links to articles, research organizations, and other community groups that may be of further help to diagnosed Veterans and their families.


Facebook Groups

News Articles


To request additional information or provide new resources or links, send a message to the email below, or find us on Facebook or messenger.

[email protected]